英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 10:05:03
  • 网络解释

1. 风靡一时:风马牛不相及be totally unrelated | 风靡一时be the rage | 风平浪静calm


2. 极为流行之物;风靡一时:be the case 情况属实 | be the rage 极为流行之物;风靡一时 | be the rule 普通情况;惯常的事


3. 流行, 风靡一时:be the picture of || 是的化身 | be the rage || 流行, 风靡一时 | be the ruin of || 成为毁灭的原因

  • 临近词

She reckons (and she may be right) that the effect of a furious shout followed by an apology often leaves her victim marginally better disposed to her than before the rage attack.(她认为(她或许是对的),愤怒地大吵一架之后表示道歉,往往会让她的对手比吵架之前稍稍顺从于她。)
How aware are you about the traffic, the pedestrians around you, the road rage that you might be getting into?(你会多清醒的关注的交通,身边的行人,以及你即将可能有的公路愤怒?)
Since top 10 lists seem to be all the rage this time of year, I thought I'd share my top 10 favorite Aardvark developments of 2009.(TOP10榜单在每年的这个时候铺天盖地,我想我该分享一下2009年Aardvark的TOP10。)
When someone dangerously cuts you off on the freeway, your thought might be, "I do not want this anger" (or "rage", if it's that bad).(当有人在高速公路上危险地超车时,你的想法可能是,“我不要生气”(或者“暴怒”,如果它是那么糟糕的话)。)
The mother's rage at having her inappropriate gift rejected starts the wobbly world of the daughter not knowing how to be around her mother because she is not fully accepted.(当母亲因不适宜的礼物遭到拒绝而产生忿恨,就开启了女儿心中一个摇摆不定的世界,不知如何去迎合她的母亲只因她没有被完全接受。)
Not to be outdone, England's Queen Victoria also appeared in public wearing a mauve gown, thus making it all the rage in England as well.(英国女王维多利亚不甘示弱,也曾穿着淡紫色的礼服出现在公众面前,因此使得它也在英国风靡一时。)
The “blind rage” that our civilizations unknowingly harbored “hurls down . . . whatever bars its way, as though there were to be no future and no peace after it is over.”(这种“盲目愤怒”的文明无知不觉地停留在了“坠落,无论如何也无法阻止的坠落,似乎从此不再有未来,不再有和平了,即便在战争结束之后。”)
For road rage, it could be as simple as laughing over the craziness of rush-hour traffic.(对于暴怒行为,可以跟笑着谈论上下班交通忙乱一样简单。)
Dynamic languages like Python and Ruby seem to be all the rage these days.(最近Python和Ruby这样的动态语言风靡于世界。)
Branded clothing, high-tech cell phones and entertainment gadgets, and cars continue to be all the rage among young people, highlighting the divisions between the haves and have-nots.(名牌服装,高科技手机,娱乐工具以及汽车仍然受到年轻人的追捧,这也彰显出贫富间的鸿沟。)
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